Sunday, February 12, 2012

Practice Makes Perfect after Working on Some Golf Swing Drills

You don’t become a great player overnight. This is because it takes to learn to learn the ins and outs of a sport and in the game of golf you don’t just hit the ball as far as you can so it can reach the hole. This is achieved by first working on some golf swing drills.

But why are golf swing drills important? This is because from the moment you raise the club in the air until the moment it goes down, proper technique will ensure that the ball will travel and land close to the hole as possible.

In golf, you start the game by teeing the ball. If you are new to the game, you probably hit the ball or sliced through it. The end result is that the ball will not travel as far as you want.

So you can improve your golf swing, you must first check on your grip because this controls the club face. You should make sure that you are forming the letter “V” with your thumb and forefinger on each hand and that these are pointed towards the trailing side shoulder.

Don’t forget to relax because holding the club too tight with your hands will make it hard to get a good shot.

If you are practicing this drill, ask someone to watch if you are doing this correctly. If there is no one around, try to watch yourself in front of the mirror or record it using a video camera then play it back.

The important thing to watch out for when you practice this drill is your follow through. Some people start strong but then shift positions later on. The proper way of doing it is to make sure the toe of the club points up and the trailing side is released over your lead hand.

It is also possible that you are not maximizing your golf swing if you are not in the right position when you take the shot. To do this correctly, imagine that you and the ball are inside a small square. Better yet, put some masking tape on the floor and then practice swinging.

If this is not the problem for your shots, check on your divots. If the angle is to shallow, you should practice hitting the ball on a side hill below the feet. Should this angle be too deep, do the exact opposite. Hit the ball on a side hill above the feet.

Some golfers have a problem with their flat swing. If you are one of them, do some swings with your back 6 inches away from a wall. If you don’t butt or your back does not come into contact with the wall, then you are doing this correctly.

In golf, the winner is determined by whoever has the least number of strokes after completing 18 holes. The golf swing drills mentioned are very simple so you don’t have to buy anything to improve your game. You just have to make some adjustments to your form with the help of coach, a mirror or a camera. If you are able to make the necessary improvements, there is no doubt that you will perform much better in your next golf game.

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The Simple Golf Swing

While golf is a game with a simple concept, which is that you are supposed to hit a ball towards a hole at the other side, there is much difficulty in that task. Eighty percent of all golfers don't get to achieve a handicap of less than 18. This is simply because of inconsistency in their golf swing. While you may have difficulties, it should be simple as the only thing that you really need to achieve is consistency.

Achieving this golden consistency can help you hit the ball square, letting you go at longer distances every time and shave off 7-10 or more strokes off your score. The key principle to consistency is to have a simple golf swing. It is a swing where there is no wasted movement and is easy to do, no matter what. The best way to do anything, whether it is golf or anything else, is to keep it simple.


One of the secrets to a good golf swing is to have a stable spine which you can work around. Keeping it straight will enable you to use your spine as an axis for your body rotation. Most golfers with high handicaps have a lot of unnecessary movements, swaying as they swing. This makes them waste a lot of energy in those movements and not let them focus on the ball itself. The best way to achieve that consistency is to coil around your spine and limit hip rotation. This will let you put power into your golf swing.

Limit Hip Movement

By having a stable spine, you are to limit hip rotation in your swing. Hip rotation is good for other sports like boxing, but it is no good in golf. Hip rotation will cause you to sway as you swing, which makes it ineffective. Only swing around your spine, and you can take the sway away from your swing.


Power is crucial in a golf swing. You can get this by not swinging the club too far back as all you need is to coil around your spine. This is a key in getting power.

Those are three basic principles you need to keep in mind - swing around a stable spine, limit your hip rotation, and shorten your backswing as you don't really need to swing it back to parallel. These can help you achieve efficient movement in your swing.

The thing you have to remember is that the best golf swing does not have a lot of movement to it at all. Professional golfers understand this principle, and that is why they have such low scores. By keeping it simple, they can achieve consistency in their swings and hit the ball right at the center.

A simple golf swing helps a player perform even at the harshest and most nerve-wracking of conditions. When you have trained well and long and hard, your body “becomes” the golf swing itself, as some golfers put it, and almost effortlessly, your swing becomes consistent. By achieving the most perfect golf swing for you, your confidence will be increased.

This will let you play without distractions even in tournament play, where the pressure can faze other people out. Once you get it, all you need to tune up is your mental game.

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